--Table type has values from TABLE_TYPE lookup: SELECT lookup_type, lookup_code, meaning, description FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type = 'TABLE_TYPE'; --Check registered tables using: SELECT application_id, table_id, table_name, user_table_name, table_type, description FROM fnd_tables WHERE table_name = 'GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS';
--Check columns of registered tables using: SELECT column_sequence, column_name, user_column_name, column_type, width, description, precision, scale FROM fnd_columns WHERE table_id = 584 ORDER BY column_sequence; --Column type has values from COLUMN_TYPE lookup: SELECT lookup_type, lookup_code, meaning, description FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type = 'COLUMN_TYPE';
--Below SQL statement shows important details about the Accounting Flexfield: SELECT a.application_id, b.application_name, a.id_flex_code, a.id_flex_name, a.description, a.application_table_name, a.unique_id_column_name, a.set_defining_column_name, a.concatenated_segs_view_name FROM fnd_id_flexs a, fnd_application_tl b WHERE a.application_id = b.application_id AND a.id_flex_code = 'GL#'; --Below SQL statement shows details about the flex structure: SELECT a.application_id, a.id_flex_code, a.id_flex_num, --chart of account id a.id_flex_structure_code, b.id_flex_structure_name, b.description FROM fnd_id_flex_structures a, fnd_id_flex_structures_tl b WHERE a.id_flex_num = b.id_flex_num AND a.application_id = '101' AND a.id_flex_code = 'GL#' AND a.id_flex_num = '50309'; --Below SQL statement shows details about the flex segments: SELECT a.application_id, a.id_flex_code, a.id_flex_num, a.application_column_name, a.segment_name, a.segment_num, a.flex_value_set_id, b.description FROM fnd_id_flex_segments a, fnd_id_flex_segments_tl b WHERE a.id_flex_num = b.id_flex_num AND a.application_column_name = b.application_column_name AND a.application_id = '101' AND a.id_flex_code = 'GL#' AND a.id_flex_num = '50309';
--Below SQL statement shows values present in the value set: SELECT a.flex_value_set_id, a.flex_value_id, a.flex_value, b.flex_value_meaning, a.enabled_flag FROM fnd_flex_values a, fnd_flex_values_tl b WHERE a.flex_value_id=b.flex_value_id AND flex_value_set_id ='1012802'; --Below SQL statement shows validation types available for value sets: SELECT lookup_type, lookup_code, meaning, description FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type='SEG_VAL_TYPES'; --Below SQL shows the list of all value sets available SELECT * FROM fnd_flex_value_sets;
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