Order-level sales credit total () must equal 100% error while booking sales order if created using OE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_ORDER in Oracle Apps R12

When creating a copy of order using OE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_ORDER, order gets created but when you try to book the order you will get the below error:

Order-level sales credit total () must equal 100%.

This happens due to no sales credit line (in table OE_SALES_CREDITS) generated for the order. To check the sales credit line, go to order header and choose "Sales Credits" in Actions:

You can see there's no line:


While creating the order, don't give any value for SOURCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID. This will generate the Sales Credit line and you can book the order successfully:

--v_header_rec.SOURCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID := 2; --Comment this line 
v_header_rec.salesrep_id           := -3;  --value for salesrep

-- Calling the API to create an Order --
    p_api_version_number            => v_api_version_number
    ,p_init_msg_list                => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_org_id                       => '122'
    , p_header_rec                  => v_header_rec
    , p_line_tbl                    => v_line_tbl
    , p_action_request_tbl          => v_action_request_tbl
    , p_line_adj_tbl                => v_line_adj_tbl
    -- OUT variables
    , x_header_rec                  => v_header_rec_out
    , x_header_val_rec              => v_header_val_rec_out
    , x_header_adj_tbl              => v_header_adj_tbl_out
    , x_header_adj_val_tbl          => v_header_adj_val_tbl_out
    , x_header_price_att_tbl        => v_header_price_att_tbl_out
    , x_header_adj_att_tbl          => v_header_adj_att_tbl_out
    , x_header_adj_assoc_tbl        => v_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out
    , x_header_scredit_tbl          => v_header_scredit_tbl_out
    , x_header_scredit_val_tbl      => v_header_scredit_val_tbl_out
    , x_line_tbl                    => v_line_tbl_out
    , x_line_val_tbl                => v_line_val_tbl_out
    , x_line_adj_tbl                => v_line_adj_tbl_out
    , x_line_adj_val_tbl            => v_line_adj_val_tbl_out
    , x_line_price_att_tbl          => v_line_price_att_tbl_out
    , x_line_adj_att_tbl            => v_line_adj_att_tbl_out
    , x_line_adj_assoc_tbl          => v_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out
    , x_line_scredit_tbl            => v_line_scredit_tbl_out
    , x_line_scredit_val_tbl        => v_line_scredit_val_tbl_out
    , x_lot_serial_tbl              => v_lot_serial_tbl_out
    , x_lot_serial_val_tbl          => v_lot_serial_val_tbl_out
    , x_action_request_tbl          => v_action_request_tbl_out
    , x_return_status               => v_return_status_out
    , x_msg_count                   => v_msg_count
    , x_msg_data                    => v_msg_data
