Create user in Oracle Fusion (Backend table details included). Know how to view First Name, Last Name, Email of fusion user.
To create user in Oracle Fusion follow the below steps:
- Login to fusion instance with credentials of the user having role "IT Security Manager" assigned to it
- Go to Navigator -> Security Console -> Users. Then click on "Add User Account"
- Enter the required fields. By Default, Email field is defaulted to User Name field. You can change it if you want.
- You can now Click on Save and Close
- You can now run the below query to check the user details
select * from PER_USERS where username='john.wick';
PER_USERS table stores one record per fusion system user and maps to a single LDAP user.
select * from PER_LDAP_USERS where user_guid='F47207B750F25150E0530E7A660A3AD0';
PER_LDAP_USERS Table stores one record for each user to be processed in OIM when creating new users or maintaining user details.
- Now open the user record again by searching with User Name. Click on the Display Name link to open the record
- Click on Edit button to edit the record
- Now run the below query:
Here we can see that REQUEST_TYPE = UPDATE is added when we modified the user record. So, to know first name, last name, email of any user we need to look at latest record in PER_LDAP_USERS with REQUEST_STATUS = COMPLETE
- Edit the user record again and click on Add Role and add the below roles then click on Add Role Membership:
- Click on Save and Close button to save the changes. Run the below query to check roles assigned to the user:
select a.username, c.role_name from per_users a, per_user_roles b, per_roles_dn_vl c where a.user_id=b.user_id and b.role_id=c.role_id and username='john.wick';
You can also run the below query to get user details:
SELECT pu.user_id ,pu.user_guid ,papf.person_id ,papf.effective_start_date ,papf.effective_end_date ,papf.person_number ,pu.username ,NVL( ppnf.first_name,( SELECT ldu.first_name FROM PER_LDAP_USERS ldu WHERE ldu.username = pu.username AND ldu.user_guid = pu.user_guid AND ldu.creation_date = ( SELECT MAX(ldu1.creation_date) FROM PER_LDAP_USERS ldu1 WHERE ldu1.username = ldu.username AND ldu1.user_guid = ldu.user_guid ) ) ) AS FIRST_NAME ,NVL( ppnf.last_name,( SELECT ldu.last_name FROM PER_LDAP_USERS ldu WHERE ldu.username = pu.username AND ldu.user_guid = pu.user_guid AND ldu.creation_date = ( SELECT MAX(ldu1.creation_date) FROM PER_LDAP_USERS ldu1 WHERE ldu1.username = ldu.username AND ldu1.user_guid = ldu.user_guid ) ) ) AS LAST_NAME ,NVL( pea.email_address,( SELECT FROM PER_LDAP_USERS ldu WHERE ldu.username = pu.username AND ldu.user_guid = pu.user_guid AND ldu.creation_date = ( SELECT MAX(ldu1.creation_date) FROM PER_LDAP_USERS ldu1 WHERE ldu1.username = ldu.username AND ldu1.user_guid = ldu.user_guid ) ) ) AS EMAIL ,pu.active_flag FROM per_users pu ,per_all_people_f papf ,per_person_names_f ppnf ,per_email_addresses pea WHERE 1=1 AND pu.PERSON_ID = papf.person_id (+) AND pu.person_id = ppnf.person_id (+) AND pu.person_id = pea.person_id (+) AND pu.username in( 'username') AND NVL(ppnf.name_type,'GLOBAL') = 'GLOBAL' AND NVL(pea.email_type,'W1') = 'W1' AND papf.effective_start_date = ( select max(papf1.effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f papf1 where papf1.person_id =papf.person_id ); ;
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